Tuesday, March 09, 2004

In the Amazone

To: orders@amazon.com
Subject: Re: Your Amazon.com Inquiry

"Dear Amazon,

Oh wow. Wow wow wow. Wow wow wow wow. You're so turning me on right now to savings. I want to gobble 'em up like candy.

I hope you don't consider it too forward of me that I sent you an e-card, Amazon. (It's a little note with a picture of the suicidal virgins. Hope you like it!) I just wanted to repay you for your warm, affectionate reply to my message. It meant a lot to me, as has the witty back-and-forth I've enjoyed with you while surfing your web site. "Click here, Daniel Arp." "Click there, Daniel Arp." You big tease. I'll click anywhere you want, Amazon . . ."

This guy cracked me up today. He's fallen madly in love with Amazon.com and is exchanging letters with customer service, who, I daresay, have no idea what to make of it. (via the bibliostrumpet)