Monday, March 29, 2004

High band wit

So my bro Jim is starting a band in Atlanta (he plays drums), and they need a name. Normally you let the band itself work this sort of thing out, but in Jim's case, it's probably best that we lend a hand. After all, his last band was called "The Bloody Jeeter." Ah, no.
After a minute of research I found that there are a lot of great band names out there. If you've got something good but you need a rhyming word, try the Rhyming Dictionary. And when you finally do come up with a really cool name, you better register it at so nobody else invades yer turf. And finally, if you can't think of anything at all, try the Great Name for a Band Generator, but be warned that you might end up with a group called "The Flaming Blastocysts" or even worse. Here are some of my suggestions:

SuperDeluxe lifted from here
Dayglo Guthrie lifted from here
Apocalypse Socks
Loud Stan
The Terminological Inexactitudes
Bored Housewives
Multiple Celebrity Syndrome
Penguin Lust
The Incompatibles
Tom Foolery
Weapons of Bass Destruction (pronounced “Base”)
The Blank Tapes
The Pentameters
The Plaintiffs, The Defendants, Esteemed Counsel, etc.
Baby and the Bathwaters
Nervous Jello
Griddle (go Kelline!)

On behalf of myself and the other Bloody Jeeter fans out there, your help is appreciated.