Monday, May 12, 2008

Free the Hops update

Dear member or supporter of Free the Hops,

Unfortunately, an unexpected controversy in the Alabama Senate Thursday caused several hours of stalling tactics and the Gourmet Beer Bill was delayed until Monday, May 19. The controversy had nothing to do with us. We were just caught in the crossfire. May 19 is our last chance to pass Gourmet Beer this year as it is the last day of the regular session.

We should continue to look at the positive. This gives you more time to keep the pressure on your state senator and encourage your friends, co-workers, family, and everyone else to do the same. You have done great work so far. Thanks to your phone calls and emails last week and over the years, we now have 16 senators who have publicly stated their support for our bill, 7 more who are "probable" Yes votes, and several more who are undecided. Only a couple of senators are absolutely opposed to us, which is incredible work in Alabama.

We need to keep up the good work. We believe we already have the votes to pass, but we need to make sure they realize this is an important issue to their constituents, with broad support, that needs to be addressed this year. Because of the rules of the Senate, any senator can delay our bill in a variety of ways. Time is running out, and I want to make sure we're voted on as soon as possible. Even if your senator is a definite Yes vote, continue to communicate with him or her. When we passed the House of Representatives this year, some of our supporting legislators worked behind the scenes to keep their colleagues from delaying the vote. The more support we have, even among senators who already plan to vote Yes, the better.

Several people who have contacted me after calling their senator said it took around 2-3 minutes at most and most of them talked to a secretary. It's really very simple and it's our best weapon. We don't have millions of dollars in campaign money or a powerful union, but we do have a lot of dedicated voters.

Here's a suggestion if you don't know what to say:

"Senator, my name is (name) and I live in your district. I just wanted to call to let you know I would like you to vote yes on HB196, the Gourmet Beer Bill. Thank you, and have a great day."

Some of you have been able to engage in more conversation, but letting them know that you are a constituent and you support the Gourmet Beer Bill is all that I'm asking for. Thank you for all you've done so far, and for continuing your advocacy.

Together, we can Free the Hops!

Stuart Carter
Free the Hops | Alabamians for Specialty Beer