Thursday, June 05, 2003

Things I need to learn from my dog

If something interests you, sniff it and find out all about it. Running is always better than sitting. Everything is at least interesting enough to smell. You can almost always walk up to a complete stranger and be friendly, and expect friendliness in kind. If you think life is difficult and gloomy, find a spot of fresh green grass in the sun and roll around for a bit. Life is good. Beware of large machines. If something sounds or seems supicious, act on your intuition. Bark at it. When someone offers you food, accept it, and be thankful and friendly. There will always be fleas, dirt and heat. Don't whine about them. To quote Jose Ortega y Gasset in Meditations on Hunting: "The only adequate response to a being obsessed with avoiding capture is to try and catch it." It is a blessing to find someone who will always listen to you, even if they do not completely understand. Be yourself. If it itches, scratch it. The world is for exploring. Do it as much as possible. You're always at the end of someone's leash. It's OK to walk up and smell someone's crotch. See your enemies as opponents in a game, and remember that without the game you would be bored. To that end, you must appreciate your enemies. Always love and remember anyone who has fed you. When give your word, such as in "Let's go play," you had better keep it. Nothing less than total honesty at all times will suffice. It's not how you look or how clean you are. It's the joy you bring to everyone around you. Nothing in life is so serious that it can negate the beauty of a clear, flowing creek. And jumping right in it. Never lose your identity. People will think you're lost. Everyone wants to be petted on the head. Don't be too picky about food. Eat what is given to you with gusto. Patience is knowing the treats are there, and that eventually one will come your way. If you want something, it is better to have someone give it to you than to take it. Stretch frequently. If you can run, do it. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, sit there and breathe and be happy. Always know a few tricks to charm and entertain people with.