Tuesday, December 11, 2007

here we go again

It appears that our creationist and intelligent design friends have found a new forum: Texas. Ars Technica reports that last week the Texas Education Agency's Director of Science was forced out of her job for allegedly not "remaining neutral" over the teaching of evolution in schools. Christine Comer, a former science teacher, had her nine-year stint as Director of Science ended as a result of an e-mail she sent to colleagues, notifying them of an upcoming talk being given by Barbara Forrest. Forrest is the author of Inside Creationism's Trojan Horse, a book that details the movement to have intelligent design taught as science in America's schools.

This bothers me because it is of course absurb to permit the teaching of creationism in our schools, but it also bothers me because the creationists just won't shut up and go away. And Alabama is probably next. Alabama schools already allow disclaimers in biology textbooks that describe evolution as "a controversial theory" and recently the state became the first in the union to approve a textbook for a course about the Bible in its public schools. What's next, another monument in the Supreme Court?