For all of you ultra-savvy computer folks who have converted to the
Firefox browser, let me heartily recommend that you try out the
Scrapbook extension. It rocks my little laptop world. Here's the deal: this little app lets you download web pages for offline viewing. Whole pages, with images, embedded video, links, etc. You can even program it to download
all the pages that are linked to on that page. Pretty nifty. You just right-click on a page and hit "Capture page as.." and whallah.
Moreover, you can then edit the pages you've saved. Well, you can write notes and highlight passages. To wit:
You do the editing from this little tool bar at the bottom of the window, shown here:
This extension just came in super-handy on my seminar paper. I didn't need to print out the pages I found--I just saved 'em.