Sunday, April 17, 2005


Due to a mystifying increase in popularity of crack-brained theories like creationism and intelligent design as viable explanations of the orgin of life, I tender this interesting and informative site on T.H. Huxley, scientist, president of the Royal Society, and Darwin's Bulldog. Darwin was a timid chap and might not have published Origin of Species but for Huxley, as this letter written to Darwin in 1859 shows:

"[I trust you will not be] disgusted or annoyed by the considerable abuse and misrepresentation which, unless I greatly mistake, is in store for you. Depend upon it, you have earned the lasting gratitude of all thoughtful men. And as to the curs which will bark and yelp, you must recollect that some of your friends, at any rate, are endowed with an amount of combativeness which (though you have often and justly rebuked it) may stand you in good stead. I am sharpening up my claws and beak in readiness."

We should remember this important and influential man.