Wednesday, January 28, 2004

snow, redux

We've got a foot of snow up here, which means that this weekend I get to indulge in my latest physically abusive sport, snowboarding. Over Christmas break I got a chance to learn how to snowboard bust my butt on hard ice over and over again, and boy I can't wait to get out there and do it again. Fun? You bet. Painful? You bet. But once you get it, I mean really get it, and manage to stay up and execute a turn or two, oh yeah. I used to look on the snowboarders as object of scorn and ridicule, watching these young kids fly by within inches of my ski poles, doing these punk little jumps and then wrecking tragically. Snowboarders tend to be younger guys with attitudes, the one who can actually look bored while streaking down a black diamond slope at 50+ mph. How do they do this? Anyway, I promise not to be one of these annoying punks in the lift line. But I fully plan on doing this one day, if it kills me. It probably will, come to think of it, but at least I won't look bored when I go..