Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Well, back to the grind. There comes a point in any extended trip where you become comfortable with your new situation; you meld into the circumstances, make the strange feel like home. Moving to a new hostel every other night wasn't exactly what I'd call relaxing, but I'd say I got got used to it. Even looked forward to it, the new sights, sounds, views, etc. But it is this ability to quickly get used to one's circumstances that makes coming "home" so very strange. Indeed, I love walking into my apartment after I've been gone for a while. There's this sense of odd familiarity, and the objective feeling of looking at my life from another perspective. It only lasts a while, alas. But I like to just sit in my armchair and look around my place for while, and before long the old self settles in. Only with greater depth.

So now I'm back and, well, I need a job. Anyone know who's hiring? Will reminisce about European travels for money..