Thursday, April 12, 2007

R.I.P. Kurt Vonnegut Jr. 1923-2007

The New York Times article is here. Rolling Stone had a great interview here. But for me, I'm going to pull out my old dogeared copy of God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater and raise a glass to one of my favorite literary rebels. Although some of his works were just plain weird, I'll never forget the delicious weirdness of Billy Pilgrim's shattered life in Slaughterhouse Five, a book which spoke to me at a young age when I was wrestling with my own ideas of fate and free will and just who in the hell am I? I always enjoyed Vonnegut's ability to pull these deep themes out of such hilariously bizarre settings. I also loved that I knew I was reading a book that had been banned from the Montgomery Academy high school library.

So goodbye Mr. Vonnegut. I hope you and Kilgore Trout and a couple of Tralfamadorians are relaxing somewhere in the fourth dimension, sipping tea and watching the fires.

so it goes.

(p.s.: great interview with Kurt here.)