Monday, February 26, 2007


Filmmaker James Cameron is about to unleash a documentary that alleges the burial cave of Jesus and his family has been found, along with enough DNA evidence to establish that Jesus wasn’t resurrected and that he sired a son with Mary Magdelene. The tomb was found in 1980 and contained burial boxes that bear the names:
Yeshua [Jesus] bar Yosef [son of Joseph]; Maria [the Latin version of Miriam, which is the English Mary]; Matia [the Hebrew equivalent of Matthew, a name common in the lineage of both Mary and Joseph]; Yose [the Gospel of Mark refers to Yose as a brother of Jesus]; Yehuda bar Yeshua, or Judah, son of Jesus; and in Greek, Mariamne e mara, meaning ‘Mariamne, known as the master.’ According to Harvard professor François Bovon, interviewed in the film, Mariamne was Mary Magdalene’s real name.
Here's an interesting article on the expected response from the religious community.