Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Howdy folks. I haven’t communicated anything of much substance for some time, so it’s time for an update. We’re now on the eve of our Fall Break up here, a long weekend which is everyone is looking forward to rather severely. The school used to lump the break in with Thanksgiving, until the dean started noticing the dark circles under everyone’s eyes at this point in the semester and decided to go easy. Of course, the concept of a ‘break’ for many (read: me) simply means an opportunity to get caught up on studying, so the circles will persist (they may be dark, but they’ll be enlightened). Mary Pat’s decided to study rather than head to Purdue and visit her college buddies over break, so I’ll be in good company. The best company around, actually.

So things are going well. Fall is rapidly descending headfirst into winter right now; we enjoyed about two weeks of what I would call pristine weather, watching the hardwoods all cloak themselves in bright hues, shades of crimson, orange, and yellow approaching day-glo in their intensity. Clear, crisp, cool skies. Below some trees the sidewalks looked as if accidents had occurred involving trucks filled to the brim with paint and confetti. All that pretty much came to a screeching halt last weekend though, as the first cold rains came and knocked the leaves down. There are a few stragglers, but the train has left the station. I’m amazed at how short Fall can be up here sometimes.

This morning a fog has spread itself through the village, muffling the occasional passing car, the neighbor’s kids laughing as they walk to the bus. Scout’s snoozing underfoot and hot mint tea is steaming in my John Deere mug. I’m wearing my rockin’ warm slippers. In a minute I’ve got to load up and bicycle over to tax class and learn about depreciation deductions, but before I did I wanted to say howdy to the many, many fine folks who read this blog, and remind both of you that life, in fact, is good.