Things are pretty hunky-dork down here in Montgomery. I love my job, and it's nice being home for a while. Last week I had lunch with Troy King, the Attorney General of Alabama. Next week I'm supposed to sup with Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Drayton Nabors, who was recently chosen to replace ousted controversialist Roy Moore. Life is good. It's hot as the dickens down here and I'm not fishing near as much as the doctor said I should, but I'm getting by. The following is proof I do in fact have a job, lest anyone accuse me (god forbid) of hyperbole:

Cold chillin' at my workstation.

The fountain at Court Square, right outside my office.

The law offices of Balch & Bingham.

The telegram which started the War of Northern Aggression was sent from the building I work in.

View of the library from my desk.

Looking up Dexter Avenue towards the Alabama state capital from the fountain.

I'm sure all the loitering violators are glad they aren't going to be prosecuted..